The Vision
Wanting to enjoy their spectacular view, the owners asked us to design a mortared slate patio with room for a fire pit and four Adirondack chairs. To achieve a natural look, we incorporated very large softly rounded boulders into our design, so that the patio seemingly sits on these large, eye-catching rocks protruding from the base.

Our Process
After clearing the area, we individually selected and placed the large boulders ensuring the grades would allow for the profile of the boulders and the stone wall behind. We screened the unsightly existing cement wall with specimen size Viburnum “Pink Dawn” and the view of the garage with a planting of a Cedar hedge. Two trees, including a new specimen size Japanese Maple, replace the old one with a tall enough single stem, so as to not impede the view.

The Details
Hanging lights, path lights, and wall lights, including spotlights in the Viburnum, create an enchanting environment.

The Details
Sealing the patio and boulders allows the stone to look wet even when dry, showing their best colours.